This is INSANE 🤦‍♂️

    by Lvexr


    1. >Police said Myers then pointed the gun issued to him for his security job at the teens and told them to put their hands in the air. Meeghan Black, a Renton police spokesperson, told CBS that the teenagers immediately complied and tried to explain their gun was not real.

      >But Black said Myers fired several shots after claiming
      “the confrontation intensified … rapidly”, hitting and killing 17-year-old Rohani.

      >Police said Myers stood over Rohani and continued to shoot, which he claimed he did because he believed one of the teen’s companions was reaching for a gun in Rohani’s waistband.

      [The Guardian](

      [AP news](

    2. Excellent-Phase8719 on

      Life in prison. No parole. This guy was looking for someone to shoot.

    3. And I’m a bad person when I say people that do stupid and horrible things should have stupid horrible things happen to them in return.

    4. nevermore-exe on

      “Police said Myers stood over Rohani and continued to shoot, which he claimed he did because he believed one of the teen’s companions was reaching for a gun in Rohani’s waistband.” Yeah, just give this wannabe cop the death penalty already.

    5. MelodicMasterpiece67 on

      “I wAs sCaREd!”

      The “get out of jail for free card” for American cops and security guards.

    6. Insane is the need of a weapon to feel safe in the biggest economy of the world.

    7. >Myers’ lawyer, Michelle Scudder, said in an email that Myers sincerely believed he was witnessing the beginning of a violent crime and wanted to stop it before anyone got hurt.

      >“Mr. Myers and his family are devastated by this tragedy and the fact that it resulted in the loss of a young man’s life,” Scudder said. “We are confident that over the course of this investigation the evidence will show that Mr. Myers’ only intent that day was to protect himself and others from serious harm or death.”

      Guess who’s also “devastated”. The family of the boy you fucking executed you filthy piece of trigger-happy scum.

    8. That headline is so misleading.
      Teen killed by man with gun and a hero complex.

      Saying “by security guard” is like saying “by a vacuume repairman” since he was not on duty and didn’t even work at that store

    9. Legendary_Lamb2020 on

      The two places I have worked with security guards clearly had a low bar for hiring those positions. Half of them seem on edge and talk about far right theories any chance you give them. I would have felt a lot safer with no security guards, than the ones we had with guns on their hips.

    10. FasterGarlic19 on

      He was waiting for his son finishing some kind of practice. He waited kn the car because he knew it was a high crime area and just wanted to preotect his son… by shooting someone elses son. Thriw him in jail until he drops dead. Don’t execute him, he should think about what he did for the rest of his miserable life. Fucking motherfucker

    11. jcaguilar483 on

      Apparently it’s not the first time that the killer felt the need to “intervene”. Read another article where it states in 2022 he also followed an individual riding a bike and felt that he might need to intervene and shoot the individual. Luckily for that person, Myers did call the cops during that encounter. The 17 yr old this time around was not so fortunate. RIP to the kid. Hope this killer rots in prison for the rest of his life.

    12. I use to work at Big 5 Sporting goods, the situations those kids did was super normal there. Airguns malfunction all the time, or just crappy, people come in and return them. The fact he is only getting charged with 2nd degree instead of 1st is even a insult.

    13. Jayrodtremonki on

      Two things bother me about this headline.  

      #1.  Referring to the guy as a security guard.  Being a security guard isn’t like being a police officer.  You don’t have more of a right to shoot someone than any other average person.  

      #2.  The guy wasn’t working at the time and didn’t work at that shopping complex at all.  He took his kid to karate and decided to start patrolling the area to feel important.  

      It’s this bullshit softening language that undercuts how fucking insane these people are.  

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