ok boomer

    by IAmAccutane


    1. Accomplished-Cut-264 on

      Avacado on sourdough bread is the best especially with a poached egg on top.

    2. shadowreflex10 on

      Thanks Boomers 👍 guess my sole purpose of life is to pay taxes and rents while feeling guilty of not good enough all along

    3. the average monthly salary of my country is **literally half** of the average rent price.

    4. PhotographingLight on

      I mean. Have you tried laying off the avacodo toast?  Just asking…

    5. Difficult_Quail1295 on

      Grandpa would have punched a man who tried to sell him a house for $500,000 for disrespect

    6. Both are right here:

      Yes, Boomers suck for implying that merely working hard today is enough to achieve their level of success.

      At the exact same time, anyone paying $8+ for a slice of toast with 1/2 an avocado spread on it deserves to stay poor due to bad choices. Unless you make it at home, I do not want to hear about your alleged money struggles.

    7. I’m 31 and just had Avacado toast and an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts. It was delicious

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