These black lines on my thumb and my toe

    by trahieu


    1. Gym-for-ants on

      Another post that should be a conversation with a medical professional…

    2. Rhadamanthus2020 on

      Printing error. Notice it’s on the left thumb and left big toe. Stand so that if connected, they’d make a straight line. Check for other black lines on your body which lie along that plotted line.

      And, check your inkjet nozzle for blockage.

    3. Most cases like this I’ve seen on this app are melanoma, I hope it isn’t but please go to the doctor asap

    4. diabolis_avocado on

      Is this one of the ones where Reddit saves someone’s life by getting them cancer treatment?

    5. If my time on reddit has taught me anything, this totally means you’re gonna die, sorry.

    6. happyhippocampotamus on

      It’s called melanonychia. Usually benign and common in darker skinned individuals. No need to freak out OP but doesn’t hurt to make an appointment with a dermatologist.

    7. SandmanAwaits on

      I only came about this just this past week, one of my parents had some spots tested for skin cancer, positive, Dr said about lines in your nails meaning skin cancers, go see your Dr buddy.

    8. Magicaparanoia on

      What the hell is up with all the accidental melanoma posts lately? This is the second one I’ve seen in 24 hours.

    9. I had a line appear on my big toe. My doctor said it was nothing but I was freaked out and got him to refer me to a podiatrist who removed my nail and did a biopsy just to be sure it wasn’t cancer. It hurt like a SOB but came back OK. I can’t remember what it’s called, but it was caused by sun exposure. Makes sense because I wear flip-flops all year ‘round.

    10. ghostbear1986 on

      Foot doc here.

      I biopsy a few of these every month.

      While they can be melanoma, they usually are not. I would have them evaluated and biopsy them regardless. But don’t go and jump off a bridge because Reddit diagnosed you with a melanoma…

    11. ChampionLiving2449 on

      I have these lines on almost all of my fingernails and a few of my toenails, and I have asked my doctor about them for years now. He has talked about how dark lines can be a sign of liver problems or melanoma, but usually are accompanied by a ridge bubble spanning from the cuticle to the white of the nail. If it’s just discoloration with no significant abnormalities accompanying it, then it’s probably just hyperpigmentation. Personally, I have not had any health issues related to the pigmented lines on my nail beds, and mine look like yours, only darker.

      Always talk to a doctor if you have concerns, but you likely don’t have a reason to be concerned unless they start to change in any way.

    12. tootnoots69 on

      Notice how OP isn’t replying in the comments. Congrats guys we have him a heart attack lessgoooo

    13. nevertellya on

      You don’t have much time. Make your peace. It won’t be long before you turn.

    14. eatthecheesefries on

      Bold choice to put feet pics on the internet.


    15. I’ll never understand how people are comfortable posting their ugly ass feet and fingers on here

    16. *glances down at the line I’ve had on my big toe for months*

      *reads the comments*

      …I’ll take my chances

    17. If you and a friend are ever in a horrific lawnmower accident, you’ll know which are yours

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