It hurts bros

    by pizzasmart


    1. VapeJuiceMarmalade on

      When you find a facsimile of a human being on a screen that you have projected your own fantasies onto, but fate saves you from yet another inevitable disappointment and you inch one step closer to meeting people like a normal human.

    2. fromthedepthsivecome on

      How would you know a perfect match when you never talked? Doesn’t make sense

    3. StillPurePowerV on

      Can’t imagine how many other guys also thought this about the rare unpierced, cooking loving, geeky girl that is not into mainstream shit like JJK and Genshin and is a homebody while also not being fat, plus not a reptile or spider hoarder. She probably responds to some horny mfcker going “heart heart never seen such a beautiful girl” lovebombing the shit out of her from the first message.

    4. Thesaltyone1 on

      A perfect match based off their 3 best pictures and a half ass bio sounds delulu

    5. Ain’t no one perfect, and they for sure aren’t who you’ve built them up in your head to be.

    6. Playful_Target6354 on

      Well you weren’t the perfect match for them, so on average, it wasn’t a perfect match, far from it. And please don’t judge a person before seeing their personality

    7. Living_Shadows on

      Not a perfect match then.. just someone you think is really attractive

    8. No-Swimmer1979 on

      When your lifestyle, hobbies and musical taste match perfectly.. but your a fucking uggo

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