“Perfect woman” they say

    by PapiChuloxx


    1. Ah yes, racism and homophobia, two very important traits for any potential partner of mine… /s

    2. CrimsonMorbus on

      Even if we ignore the racism and hate, she is literally just saying, “I love to cause drama”

    3. Umm… so like, first the Andrew Tate thing, now this… Have I missed a meeting? When tf did we start allowing people to post content on here that blatantly says the n-word?

    4. AValentineSolutions on

      What a charming person. Real “winner”. I just love that being a hateful person is valuable in conservative circles.

    5. SpookyBoisInc on

      Regardless of what they’re doing I wouldn’t want to be with anyone who spends that much time on twitter

    6. Guarantee you there was no woman, it’s just one of his buddies or an alt number of his

    7. Sad that some people are so proud of their bigotry and hatred. I bet they believe themselves to be a Christian too.

    8. Trailerparkwhore on

      I truly hope there’s a day in every racist and homophobes life where they just cringe at all the stupid shit they said. Like wow you’re so edgy and badass for saying a derogatory word that someone’s bum ass grandpa came up with! They all need to get a fucking grip, like as an adult with bills to pay and mouths to feed, they’re worried about someone’s race or sexuality, it’s just fucking embarrassing 😭😭

    9. Sure 379lbs of pure Aryan. Go get her. Breed you some little white trash racists and MAGA.

    10. Strain_Pure on

      “Viking Energy” really?

      Guess they know shit about Vikings, since Vikings were actually quite open to knew cultures, and despite the misappropriation of their culture by racist and misogynistic wankers the Vikings were actually quite diverse when it came to Culture, Race, and Gender roles to the point some countries had their equivalent of pamphlets to discourage people joining Viking groups because they weren’t “Racially Pure” and would have a mix of Gender on board their Long Boats.

    11. More reason for minorities and lgbtq+ to get off Twitter / X. Really any decent person.

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