Jesus sure liked his porn stars

    by michiganlibrarian


    1. Yucca12345678 on

      How about that “not bearing false witness” Tucker? You forget that part?

    2. Bright-Ad-9363 on

      If I’m Not mistaken, Jesus actually did the things the Romans accused him of so… not really a sham

    3. Mikeyjoetrader23 on

      Did Jesus have sex with a pornstar while his wife was caring for his newborn? And then pay said pornstar hush money to not tell her story? And then try to write off the payment as a business expense?

      No? Ok cool, glad we’re talking about the same thing.

    4. I’m just missing the bit with the hush money payment. How many goats would that be?

    5. Feminazghul on

      Look at Tuck Tuck pretending to be religious so someone will give him some money.

    6. Pithecanthropus88 on

      Jesus was not tried at all. If these idiots had actually read their bible they’d know that.

    7. Hearthstoned666 on

      Jesus is a foreign national who did not live in a democracy at all. He was more of a socialist.

    8. Wasn’t Jesus’ best friend a prostitute? Then again it’s not like he shied away from admitting it. Magdalene was his closest companion and he made damn sure everyone knew it.

    9. One_Object8516 on

      Tucker Carlson was born the day after I was in San Francisco. Yep, the City he likes to lambaste is where this devil’s spawn was born.

    10. NuclearWaste666 on

      Tucker, another one of Putin’s bitches! The commies are everywhere. Putin would be proud.

    11. Such_Leg3821 on

      We haven’t crucified bon shitzinpants yet, plus his yrisl was fair. Are you saying 12 random citizens all colluded to convict him, before the trial happened, and before they even knew each other?

    12. Sea-Woodpecker-610 on

      If that’s what it’ll take, I’m down for a crucifiction as well.

    13. Jesus died for other people’s sins. You think the orange clown would take anyone’s bullet?

    14. ShotdeadPlayz on

      I love how they compare Trump to Jesus, which in itself breaks a commandment, but Trump also broke a commandment.

      Tell me again, how many commandments did Jesus break?

    15. CanineSnackBitch on

      If these nutcases don’t stop comparing Trump to Jesus I am going to lose. My mind. Unlike Jesus willingly paid the ultimate price for the world.

      Trump doesn’t want to pay for an immigrant child’s lunch.

    16. NicNac_PattyMac on

      I find this funny because Jesus absolutely committed a crime.

      Disagree on the ethics of the crime all your want, but he was by definition a criminal.

      Anyway, I’m not still mad about my F in my communications class, why do you ask?

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