Headdress Ornament, Nasca artist(s), Peru, 1–700 CE [893×1200]

    by protocodex

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    1. Found on [Artifact Guesser](https://artifactguesser.com), a geoguesser-like game to guess the date/location of artifacts. Check out r/artifactguesser if you’re curious.

      Just love this lil fella.

      Description from the [MET](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/313008):
      Compared to the northern Peruvian coast, where large quantities of gold objects have been found in elaborate tombs, burials on the south coast have yielded rare and modest gold finds. Among the few southern ornaments are objects with thick rigid stems at the bottom, likely ornaments affixed to the turbanlike headdresses of important individuals.

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