A young woman wearing turned-up denim jeans and saddle shoes, circa 1955.

    by Hooverpaul


    1. AngelaMotorman on

      Plus, those tightly curled short bangs — boy, were those a moment that deserved to pass quickly!

    2. Ghost_In_Waiting on

      Lady on a step: “Some day my prince will come…”

      Rat pack: “Lady, I don’t know about princes but how’d you like to take a ride?”

      Lady on a step: “Mother says I should not.”

      Rat pack: “Well, that’s OK. See you around sometime, little sister.”

      Lady on a step: “That’s a nice car. It looks like it has a lot of room. “(heat stare intensifies)

      Rat pack: “Baby, it’s got all the room you’ll ever need and more.” (Come hither smile).

      Later, grandma would sit up in the middle of the night in the well appointed kitchen in the “right” neighborhood” having raised a passel of “successful” children and feel things from the before time. The time when the night called to her. When the moon saw things that a later age wouldn’t understand. The heat that radiated from the guy who was the “bad boy”. The guy who treated her, both emotionally and physically, like a sponge wrapped punching bag who would take whatever he wanted to give, and then smiling in the morning walk away.

      Tossing back the whisky in the hard chair while see looked out over the sleeping grandchildren in the black middle night the old woman smiled. “Damn” she thought back to the fire time of the before. Then, just after 3 AM the smile, after the last shot, would become hard. The let go and flow life had been a time that came with a lot of learning.

      Now, now when things that were so important that they could not be risked, she looked back to that once upon a time world. She hoped the grand babies would do better. Part of her knew they would nor.

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