Literally Treason

    by Big-Success-3772


    1. ThrowawayNeunUndSexy on

      He literally sold out Americans. More blood on his hands. Should be out and circulating more.

    2. As much as it wouldn’t surprise me on Trump’s part, this still seems a tad farfetched, although it would definitely make for incredible kompromat for Putin to use against Trump.

      In any event, I’m going to need to see some serious evidence before I forward this to anyone.

    3. mayorodoyle on

      If you showed this to every American citizen, along with certified evidence that it actually happened, coupled with a video of trump saying “I absolutely, 100%, without a doubt sold the names of our secret operatives in Russia to Vladimir Putin” he *STILL* wouldn’t lose a single vote.

      We need to stop with this “If we show them the truth, they’ll see the light” posts. There is nothing… ***NOT A SINGLE SOLITARY THING*** trump can do to make his cult stop supporting him.

      If trump came out tomorrow and said “I’m woke now,” his followers would say “Yeah, we were always woke.”

    4. Fine-Benefit8156 on

      I pray he will meet justice for known and unknown suffering he caused. Only way for that to happen is by voting blue up and down and flip the House and widen the Senate gap 🙏🙏🙏. 💙💙💙2024

    5. Big-Success-3772 on

      For those asking, here are some more sources on the topic.








    6. August-Autumn on

      Eh putin goons that also for the CIA. Its just as bad as cartels or terrorists.

    7. NinjaTutor80 on

      We need a simple easily remembered name to describe this. How about Spygate. The media loves adding the word gate to something.

    8. Do you have independent sources? All I’ve understood in my young mid-20s years of life in this world is that news are basically under the government’s control and they say or announce what they want the public to see.

      Any reliable, non-government-funded news you can point out?

    9. Busy_Negotiation1805 on

      This was posted already and debunked as propaganda already. Thanks for reposting deep state creep

    10. Ok-Week-1259 on

      100 intelligent agent officials said the laptop was Russian disinformation

    11. Mediocre_Daikon6935 on

      America has a narrow and limited definition of treason.

      This doesn’t even come close, even if true.

    12. Dudefrom1958 on

      Is there some source or link to prove this. It’s just a statement with no sources or background.

    13. Confirmation_Email on

      Not literally treason. The United States does not currently have a declared war against Russia. I really thought after the first Trump administration everyone would clearly understand the definitions of treason and sedition.

    14. YogurtSufficient7796 on

      This MF needs to be brought to justice – and in the most awful, horrible way possible.

    15. YogurtSufficient7796 on

      This MF needs to be brought to justice – and in the most awful, horrible way possible.

    16. YogurtSufficient7796 on

      This MF needs to be brought to justice – and in the most awful, horrible way possible.

    17. Phreekyj101 on

      And nothing will happen because of the judge overseeing the case 🤦🏻‍♀️

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