Here we go again

    by Spotlight_James


    1. starbucksyousuck on

      As an immigrant and person of colors, why the fk would you trust a white woman (out of all people/group) to lead an action movie franchise

    2. TH3_54ND0K41 on

      Yoda already dead AND a force ghost. If you mean, destroy Yoda’s backstory, go ahead. If you fuck with BABY Yoda (Grogu), we gonna have *problems…*

    3. AlexiosTheSixth on

      I stopped following starwars after they made it all disney+ exclusives, context for the yoda one??

    4. weirdgroovynerd on

      Off-topic but…

      …I tried watching the new Acolyte series last night, and the screen is their weird fuzzy array of colors.

      At first I thought it was just a special effect, and would eventually become a regular screen.

      But it never did.

      Is it supposed to be like that, or is it something with my subscription?

    5. EmptyOverall9367 on

      another anti-woke meme 🙄 post this shit on r/asmongold, r/criticaldrinker, or all the other chud subs. Disney Star Wars sucks because they’re making way too much content just like Marvel and everything and everyone suffers because of it.

    6. i have no idea anymore what this is about, someone care to explain?

      Edit: guys I really need some context, I want to celebrate a meme 🙁

    7. Alisalard1384 on

      Disney star wars is a fan fiction written by people who hate original sources and consider it outdated. Better to let them live with their fan fiction while we continue to believe in Legends supremacy

    8. It’s like a boy who loved Star Wars dumped her and she’s getting her revenge.

      Something something fury something women scorned.

    9. armchairdetective on

      Hilarious. I thought this was the sub that makes fun of this ridiculous sub.

    10. Yoda was already kinda ruinerd in the prequels, showing him figh, in that goofy way too, is kinda against the point of the character in Empire, and he was a dumb Jedi too like all others, he didnt cared at all about the fall of the Jedi and stuff like that.

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