A weapons storage locker outside a public library.

    by alhart89


    1. How secure is this box? I’m curious how it works.

      I mean…it pretty much has an “I have weapons in here” sign and it kind of looks like a mailbox. I’m sure it’s more secure than that, but just wondering.

    2. Are they expecting a literary duel? “To kill a mockingbird” takes on a whole new meaning, doesn’t it? Just what every book club needs, a sidearm for heated discussions about plot twists.

    3. Free guns for anyone that wants one. All you have to do is “borrow” each key, make copies, then return them. The next time one of those boxes is in use, take the key you made, open the box and help yourself. Easy peazy.

    4. Greenislandfig on

      Tell me you’re in the US without telling you are a Merica citizen….

    5. HorophiliacBeaver on

      What is the point of the quarter? I can’t imagine anyone would value the quarter over their gun or would remember that they stick a quarter in there but not the gun.

    6. Super weird and not related at all but the tree in the background reminds me of a monster from silent hill or something

    7. CosmicLegionnaire on

      Looking at this, my hope is that this is more for leaving a pocket knife or box cutter or something. I worked for at least a decade an agency that provided homeless services and we would hold knives overnight in a locker in our office for folks staying in the shelter. It was pretty common for men and women to carry some sort of weapon: A knife, box cutter, screw driver, pepper spray, etc.. Never saw a gun but we didn’t allow folks to bring them in and we wouldn’t have stored them.

      Many of our clients used the local library pretty frequently. Ours doesn’t have a metal detector but it’s not uncommon. The storage is probably a service to locals who walk to the library or who forget that they have a pocket knife and don’t want to run back. Our small town has a sheriff’s deputy providing security so my guess is this town has a similar arrangement. Easier to leave a box blade out there than deal with a security screening/ weapons violation/ whatever.

      Honestly, they should probably just put up a sign to say no firearms. This doesn’t seem secure enough for being something outside with common keys, though who knows the set up?

    8. ModernWarBear on

      Great way to let the shooter know where all the unarmed people are ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

    9. Garfieldium_2020 on

      This is totally secure. You totally can’t unscrew the four bolts holding the box on the ground, stick it in the back of your truck, go home and hack it open.

    10. That’s not secure enough for me to trust. My favorite carry pistol cost about $1200. My secondary was about $800.

    11. I mean, if the lockers was inside the door, content-agnostic, within sight of an employee and with camera surveillance I’d risk putting a gun in it.

      This is just waaaaay too high-risk, and obviously made by someone who doesn’t understand or own guns.

      Ask that person if they’d put their wallet, cellphone or laptop in a locker like that, I bet they won’t.

    12. deadbalconytree on

      To paraphrase Chris Rock’s Sex in the Champaign Room: “Sure it’s safe inside but what about All those motherf…ers waitin’ outside with guns that know you ain’t got one.

    13. JohnStern42 on

      “Im the lockpicking lawyer, and today we’re going to see if we can get some free firearms….”

    14. I’m sorry but how am I supposed to leave my fists in there and still get my library books?

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