Dont know if posted here earlier

    by wrlegocreature


    1. If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to buy a bottle of water at a convenience store

      Edit for the average redditors in the comments who don’t understand sarcasm: *sarcasm*

    2. tedioussugar on

      What makes this funnier is that Sheldon is canonically a great tipper and will sometimes just give money to his friends when they’re unable to make ends meet.

    3. crimsonyoteeeeee on

      I dread the day I travel to the USA and have to wrap my head around tipping – don’t get me wrong, the USA is a fascinating place and one I definitely want to visit! But here in NZ we don’t do that, the concept of paying **more** than the advertised price just seems ludicrous to me.

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