Qatar airways straight up denies the existence of Israel

    by Positive-Swimmer8237


    1. People flying Qatar Airways and discovering that the country might not be fully aligned with their Western values…

    2. Forward_Cover_5455 on

      They literally just stated the historical land called Palestine. How did someone saw this as an attack on them?

      Oh you know what an attack is don’t you

    3. Qatar Airways is owned by the Qatari government, which I don’t think recognizes Israel (or at the very least has cut ties since the Gaza crisis), so this makes sense.

    4. Maybe if you zoomed in more? Anyway, I would not be surprised if they removed the name entirely. Note that they are a Middle Eastern airline (I know that they operate internationally), hence, most of their passengers would be extremely sensitive towards seeing that name, especially with the ongoing war.

    5. FrenchBulldozer on

      I work with a lot of Middle Eastern vendors in my line of work and they don’t recognize Israel in any of their official documents.

    6. I dunno if they control the maps, really often when you fly, the plane maps is zoomed out and it shows random cities/villages instead of capitals. I know Iceland is often showing Egilsstaðir (1500ppl) and not the capital.

    7. In these situations, and in this thread, people always want to assume these things are big statements. And go all the way to the top.

      I think a lot of the time it’s just some guy having to decide and wondering what’s going to get him in the least amount of trouble.

      “If I put Isreal and I’m told off it’ll probably be ‘How dare you betray your people and your faith you’re fired'”

      “If I don’t put Isreal and I’m told off it’ll probably be ‘kudos to you for not adding them, but we want them there'”

      …so, him not caring what the political stance is this particular year, his safest option is the 2nd one unless he’s told otherwise.

    8. What a coincidence: just so happens Israel straight up denies the existence of Palestine.

    9. I mean, if you want to really get into international Law, basically if your country doesn’t recognizes the other you’d be getting into a world of trouble if you put it on the map (could account for tacit recognition for example).

    10. Grouchy-Report7627 on

      Arab countries: Let’s not recognize Israel!

      Six-day war: Egypt, Syria, Jordan defeated by unknown country

    11. space_jiblets on

      Yeah last time I went to Doha I really appreciated seeing this map. I say good on them.

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