The cope around AI is unreal

    by katxwoods


    1. Don’t forget fulldive virtual realities and human like android waifus to pleasure you whenever you want. Oh, and immortality! Yeah… I laugh when they talk about corporations giving a % from the wealth that AI makes, to people. Lmao. I mean sure… I find reasonable for example if an individual buys a robot and takes it to a business to work there in his place. But yet again why would a business not directly subscribe/purchase their own fleet of robots from the source. It would be probably way cheaper and with maintenance included and what not. Anyway is nice to dream.

    2. KhanumBallZ on

      I mean yeah, unless you get rid of Capitalism, that’s exactly what’ll happen. 

    3. Considering the stuff we’ve seen from that Google AI learning from our shitposts and posting it as if it was fact, they can’t get rid of us humans just yet.

    4. The 2nd pic should be a guy with a chip in his head renting out his body while dreaming virtual reality dreams.

      You think they’d give up an easy source of labor? Nah it’ll be basic subsistence in exchange for labor, but they won’t have to train you.

    5. blackbubbleass on

      yeah. that’s why you should get good on working and functioning in the new society where AI do all jobs that don’t require brains.

    6. pierted_the_second on

      You just gota be the one using the AI. Learn how AI works and start your own business. Or use AI to help build your business.

    7. But then consumer economy will collapse, no money means no purchase, soon AI will produce things that no one can buy. Also, that road only leads to a revolution. History has shown time and time again, when there’s economic hardship and the government is unable to solve it, it will either be violently overthrown in a revolution and the leadership killed, or it is weakened enough that a foreign power will invade and annex it, or it will break apart because the people within disagree on how to solve the problems, or worse, it will devolve into fascism. When you make the life of the majority of people miserable, there’s only so much people will endure before they lash out.

    8. JesusStarbox on

      I hope they can handle the riots that will come from all those people with nothing to do.

      How much will they pay security to keep them from turning on their bosses.

    9. TheArcanist_ on

      Well to be fair AI and robots taking jobs should be a good thing but it isn’t due to immense human greed.

    10. Oh wow! So great! My hobbies like music, drawing, learning a language is done by ai now! Now I can properly do my laundry and other boring chores!

    11. an_edgy_lemon on

      Unfortunately, technology is never initially implemented to make lives easier, but to make production cheaper. I believe we have a paradigm shift coming, but things are going to get a whole lot worse first. I have a feeling that AI will be this era’s industrial revolution.

    12. Lv1Skeleton on

      The only problem with this is that if everyone is unemployed we can’t buy goods and services from the rich.

      So we will be at a stalemate. Something will have to give or both parties are screwed. So they can choose BUI or lose all their income because nobody will be able to buy anything.

    13. we can always start eating the rich once we have nothing to loose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    14. Spirited_Party4468 on

      Well, I’m not worried that my job will be taken away by AI… (I am unemployed)

    15. Viktor_6942 on

      Two words: Jevons Paradox. Increased resource efficiency will more often than not increase consumption of that resource rather than decrease it. That also applies to labor, that’s where the “automation creates more and better jobs” meme comes from. AI will not be the end of us, the same things that are being said about it were said about previous automation technologies, every time it was predicted that everyone would lose their job and the system would collapse, but every single time the excess labor was successfully reallocated to other fields

    16. Www-what-where-why on

      My job is so fucking simple. They already realized they don’t need a “point A” before it gets to me, the calls come straight to me now. Wa decent AI could do everything I do and better, immediate answers to questions I have to look up. I can only help reality is at least somewhere between these 2.

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