Never knew it was men’s mental health month since pride was always the focus. Stay strong, brothers

    by Whole-Regret2346


    1. henningknows on

      I didn’t know it was men’s mental health month either. I am a man and I have schizophrenia……..

    2. threefeetoffun on

      I’m a man with borderline personality disorder. May was BPD month and June men’s mental health month. I hope people recognize and understand stand both those things more.

    3. allOHIOcorn on

      I know it’s cringe to do the “as a __” comments, but as a trans girl while I’m celebrating pride I’ll definitely take a moment to recognize men’s mental health. I’ve been a man with horrible mental health (due to gender dysphoria) so I know the struggle all too well. I hope for a world where we can all have our struggles recognized, and I think that’s the intention of these months anyways. That being said, I expect to get downvoted for openly being trans here but I still send my love and recognition to each and every one of you.

    4. Strange-Option-2520 on

      I’m not sure who or what is spreading this misinformation but men’s mental health month is in November, not in June.

      The entire point of Movember is to raise awareness for men’s mental health.

    5. I only ever see men brining up men’s mental health awareness when they’re dismissing other people’s struggles. Most of same dudes who love virtue signalling online slop like this will never help another man struggling irl.

    6. I’m not sure why we can’t just post stuff about men’s mental health without getting upset over pride.

      LGBTQ+ people have literally had to fight and riot just for the right to exist, and they’re still often marginalized and bullied, and there’s still constantly a legislative battle over whether or not those people are allowed to simply exist and live their lives, so they’ve got a pretty damn good reason to deserve some celebration and awareness.

      That said, there’s nothing stopping you from bringing attention to men’s mental health issues. Share your therapy story, encourage other men to reach out and seek help, share some statistics showing why this issue matters or share anecdotes that show why the cause is important to you. No one is going to be mad at you for caring about men’s mental health, as long as you don’t use it as an excuse to try and tear down a different cause.

    7. Every-Requirement434 on

      Okay so hear me out … Even IF it’s men’s mental health month …. Uh how are we supposed to do this?
      I never knew it was and I really like that there IS one but what are we supposed to do with it ?

      Are we sharing campfire stories and talk about the problems or will there be some kind of discussion online or …?

      I mean this seriously I have no clue what to do.
      All I know is that pride month has all the companies make rainbow flag go on their social media platforms but what is the equivalent for us?
      Will my fav hair shampoo now get some kind of relaxing smell or something ?

      I hope you guys stay okay and all… I’ma just go to sleep and continue to be confused.

    8. No need to mention pride. You can just celebrate male mental health mom without mentioning others’ struggles in the same sentence.

      There’s a bunch of months that share their cause with others without people having to celebrate one while mentioning that it gets less publicly than the other.

    9. Left_Possibility8320 on

      Oh yeah ! I’m a woman and really like pride month but I’ll make sure too make people aware !

    10. A lot of these comments just ain’t it. We can bring awareness for both, y’all. This discourse is exactly why nobody’s lives are improving

    11. I hate it when people use men’s mental health as a rebuttal or a way to downplay/hate on some other thing like it’s a competition.

      You don’t realise it but using it this way only tells people that you don’t care about men’s mental health month, you are only using it to hate on pride month.

      Why do we have to choose one? Why can’t it be both?

    12. 13-Dancing-Shadows on

      I thought men’s health month was November?

      But regardless, take care of yourselves and be safe, boys.

    13. How tf don’t ya’ll know this yet? This happens every fucking june. Just scrolling reddit today, I already saw 4 memes about people “not knowing”.

    14. I swear they put pride month at the same time as mens mental health just to cover up mens mental health.

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