Ummm what?

    by tacosteve100


    1. CrimsonRedCookie on

      As long as he claimed the baby would grow up to be a Democrat he would be home safe..

    2. OddballLouLou on

      What? I thought they loved babies. Since they call zygotes babies and say abortion is murder.

    3. franchisedfeelings on

      “Save America from Democracy, the Constitution and the rule of law.” Trump gave extreme ignorance a voice.

    4. Ranger-Embarrassed on

      I agree with Brandon. But sure if you like inflation and endless wars and a border crisis vote Biden

    5. Irrelevance351 on

      If this isn’t evidence that the Trump cult are all collectively mentally ill, I don’t know what is.

    6. middle_of_you on

      Trump could murder a baby and that person would still vote for him. Is this seriously your first exposure to Trump’s cult?

    7. melodysmomma on

      My grandma today: Believe me, someone’s mind has been changed by the verdict today.

      This guy:

    8. thegoodtimelord on

      This is so beyond facepalm. Why is the US quietly allowing an entire major party to be spearheaded by an outspoken criminal? Is critical thinking now only operating in American research institutions?

    9. IvanTheAppealing on

      I mean that adds up. It’s already public knowledge that he’s a threat to democracy, women, and non-white people, including but not limited to direct actions from himself. Yet despite not lining up with their purported moral values, they still support him

    10. Psychological-Set198 on

      Some presidents killed thousands of babies in the middle east… People still voted for them… Sick

    11. maintanksyndro on

      People on the left murder babies all the time(abortion) so who cares?

    12. When I was 18 years old I committed to giving 4 years of my life away to the US Military so that people like OP could live their lives without anyone interfering with their right to self expression or freedom. I knew back then (mid-70’s) that I would likely come across people in the future who would make me grind my teeth and test my tolerance. OP is one of those people. In fact most MAGA devotees fit that category.

      OP – would you still vote for Trump if he walked up and shot your father/brother/son, or if he walked up and grabbed your mother/sister/daughter by the pu$$y ? I’m really curious, would these actions change your view of Trump or are you a truly hard-core MAGA guy ?

    13. All hypocrites with no empathy….. “he could murder A baby”….. but not THEIR baby, or anybody in their family or that they know.

    14. Motor-Condition9703 on

      Just say you fear God hate woke,blm,Trans ,woman and they Will drink your piss

    15. Hot_Cardiologist_133 on

      It’s cool, we all know the trumpers are going to vote orange no matter what. It’s the on the fence people that he’s fucking up with.

    16. InternetUserAgain on

      Welcome back to another exciting episode of “Rage Bait Or Actual Insanity”

    17. robertDouglass on

      And that’s the problem. Trump attracts bad people with bad characters.

    18. CowLegitimate8691 on

      Save America by murdering babies, but don’t you dare abort a baby!

    19. MasterNinjaFury on

      It could be a troll comment? To be honest I feel sorry for the USA as both candidates are not good in their own ways.

    20. Lord-Sugar09 on

      If he did that, it would just be another felony conviction. How is someone with an empty head and a zipper problem any kind of a leader?

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