The painful struggle in my mind…

    by AliceTheMagicQueen


    1. Things start to change when you actually do something. Little by little. It gets better. Just do it!

    2. I know this is a meme page but serious talk here. Is this type of feeling similar in European countries? It just seems so unbelievably common in the USA for the people I come into contact with to have a love/hate relationship with any sort of motivation. I get the workforce rn being terrible and not working 2 peoples jobs for the pay of 1 but it just seems like majority of people don’t have drive for much of anything but also want to feel a drive to possibly bring some positive energy in their lives. Obviously other countries have different governments and social dynamics to the USA so it’d be hard to pin point one thing. Could it be what’s in our food? Pharmaceutical dependencies? Just overall lack of education for self motivation/mental health in general? Like I feel this myself often so thought I’d throw it out there to discuss

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