Keeping the tradition alive ❤️

    by KenyOwns


    1. DipperPines360 on

      My grandma used to knit obsessively but as she got older her hands and eyesight wouldn’t allow it. Her last unfinished projects were a set of matching cable scarves in colors for each season for her two identical twin sons. She passed away, my dad’s brother passed away. Dad asked me what I wanted of my grandma’s things. I wanted her knitting supplies. I finished the scarves and sewed them into a blanket for my dad for his birthday. edit: thank you wholesome ~~person~~ people <3

    2. jadejesse16 on

      I’m a dude that knits. The knitting bug usually strikes me when it starts to get cold out, but me and my group of friends already have every single article I/they would need knitted. So I would buy some cheap yarn and knit on the subway (NYC) and when a person in need would come through the train with the usual “excuse me ladies and gentlemen…” I would hand them a hand-knitted beanie…I have never experienced that level of gratitude in my life. “You made this?!? For me?”…”yea.. For you.” The smelliest and most satisfying hugs ever. Usually tears were involved

    3. My wife does some kind of craft like that, though I don’t know if it’s knitting. I’ve always thought that one of these days it would be fun to try my hand at it. Like when we are watching a show to have us both sitting there knitting away.

    4. In a time when people are always interested in monetizing hobbies, I really like hearing when hobbies become charitable things instead.

    5. ReleaseDopamine on

      So wholesome! Props to him for not letting gender stereotypes scare him away

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