My mother asked to “borrow” an orange. She took the zest and returned it. She really meant borrow!

    by New_Elle


    1. Mighty_mc_meat on

      Just wait a few more hours and the rest of your goods will surely be returned.

    2. Bugles-Answered on

      Oh come on now, give Mom a break — you know you weren’t going to use the zest.

    3. Background-Vast-8764 on

      I love how so many pictures like this have pets in the background.

    4. Your mom is digging a *little* too much on the zesting. This wouldn’t cause it much, but the deeper you get into the white the more bitter it gets. You really only want the top millimeter or so

    5. She’s baking something. My mom was adding some orange zest in the Madeleine ❣️

    6. Spong_Durnflungle on

      That pup is just as astounded by the situation as you are.

      And I agree with him. It’s extraordinary.

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