Credit in the comments

    by Paramedic68W


    1. Short_Analysis on

      Literally how my dog communicates, when he needs something, *nods*
      Wants to go outside, *nods*

    2. my_son_is_a_lawyer_ on

      People are too stupid and blind to understand nods. Whenever I nod they don’t nod back. They get confused and start eye contact competition…

    3. RegularImprovement47 on

      The one with the least effort is superior therefore eyebrow raise is superior to head nod

    4. Adventurous-Unit-260 on

      The most awkward situation is when people don’t notice when you nod

    5. hornystoner737 on

      Head nod is ultimate way of expressing understanding, agreement, and/or respect

    6. Gloomy_Background755 on

      Used to do that in middle to high school, I don’t do it anymore though.

    7. Sivusta_seuraaja on

      If its a stranger and you want to be polite you can nod downwards and if you know each other and there is no need to be extra polite you can nod upwards

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