Let’s see how far this will last

    by InvaderofViolence


    1. When you start a new hobby and your friends are taking bets on how long it’ll hold your interest

    2. AlphaManInfinate on

      Why is the movie that is set in asia full of asians? Why is there no black people in the asian country movie?

    3. Fun_Objective_7779 on

      I am waiting for the moment where this attitude influences history classes

    4. ExpressionDeep6256 on

      I can’t wait until they remade RE5 and you are only killing white zombies.

    5. I wonder if there will be diversity standards to be met in a game set in Neanderthal society, if someone will make such a game?

    6. Powerful_Swimmer_531 on

      They could have made a badass AC set in the Horn of African during the medieval Somali Ajuraan Sultante and the Portugese Empire in the early 1500s between Somalis and Portugal for control of Mozambique and its resources

      Instead, they give us a feudal Japan game 10 years after we asked for it, and after both Sekiro and GOT set the bar way beyond anything any other samurai/ninja game will reach

    7. el_argelino-basado on

      Yasuke is maybe the only black person that was important in japanese history

    8. Hairy-Mountain8880 on

      Years ago I watched the Vikings, great show. Then they made a new vikings show that continued the story. Guess what,.. in the first episode they showed the new leader of the Vikings, wait for it… A black African woman. Ok bro…

    9. comrade_nemesis on

      Yasuke was literally an actual historical character. you mad about history?

    10. aaron_adams on

      I would like to point out that historically, there was a black Samurai named Yasuke in the late 1500s. I agree that not everyone has to be black, and I frankly think it’s ridiculous that the movie industry is trying to race swap main characters and insert token black people into every franchise, just to cry racism when anyone calls them out on their inaccuracy, but getting mad about a black character in the new assassins creed game, considering historical precedent, is misplaced.

    11. TsunderePopo on

      See I’m Black and miraculously I know how history works and I seriously doubt there were just black people roaming around the entire globe just being whatever they wanted

    12. I understand that in a game about feudal Japan in a historically accurate setting, it doesn’t make sense to have black samurai’s or even citizens (if it’s not about Yasuke.)

      But when it’s an Assassin’s Creed game, or a game with fantasy elements, who honestly gives a shit lol?

      At that point it’s just an excuse to be racist.

    13. Frostbear107 on

      “They’re white! This is blasphemy!”
      “They’re Asian, dumbass.”

    14. Name one media where this occurred. One samurai show or game or movie where the majority of people were genuinely upset at a lack of black characters

    15. I’m actually not gonna buy or play it because it’s an assassins creed game 💀 no other reason.

    16. Can someone please explain to me the logic behind getting mad over a video game character

    17. ElectionOdd8672 on

      If the game is good none of this matters, a bunch of virtue signaling over it. If it’s dog shit well.. ubisoft made it. The dude could be purple but if it’s on par with Sekiri gameplay then that’s that.

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