And why do so many of their logos have triangles in them?

    by Toilet_Bomber


    1. Umbrella corp or Aperture for me

      Also is the logo in the right upper corner a combine logo?

    2. The_BattlePigeon on


      “Lets build a bunch of ultra secure underground habitats. They will be stocked with everything they need to survive the apocalypse. Then let’s just do shit to fuck with them until they all go crazy and die!”

      “At least the research will be for the betterment of mankind.”

      *Stares in Corporate*

      “It will be for the betterment of mankind, right?”

    3. Federal Bureau of Control (Control) and Aperture Science Labs (Portal) are my favorites, both competing for the 1st place.

    4. HEY! YOU TAKE THAT BACK AGAINST APERTURE! Now, they are unethical, but NOT corrupt. They are my favorite.

    5. Hyperion, not a bad company itself, the founders were alright, handsome jack was what made it notoriously evil.

    6. Upsidedown triangle is a intimidating shape. Research show that a male who wear upsidedown triangle shape on his shirt is more attractive than the other shape.

    7. I love Vault-Tec, and Aperture.

      I mainly love Vault-Tec due to the massive mystery of what their motives are.

      “Let’s build a shit ton of nuclear shelters, as the end is most likely to come,”

      “Okay, so you have to be doing this for the good of humanity, as you can’t reap a profit if the world does indeed go nuclear,”

      “Then fill them with incredibly fucked up “science” experiments”

      “But…like why? How are you going to get this information if the world ends, and why dose it matter, as again the world has literally ended,”

      Also there is the fact that what seems to be (can’t really see as the texture is shit) a Vault-Tec logo on the nuke in Megaton.

    8. Safe_Panic_4152 on

      My question is why is there Wolfenstein on there. Anyway that’s top, close second is umbrella

    9. Got to be Desperado.

      I’m assuming that Desperado is from Metal Gear.

      ONI, IMC and Umbrella are close seconds.

    10. The Interstellar Manufacturing Corporations, mostly because of how important they are in the lore.

    11. Hephaestus_God on


      Very blantant about the stuff it does and just doesn’t care lmao. Tells it right to the participant.

    12. Definitely Deep Rock Galactic

      (It’s not a war crime if they can’t represent themselves in galactic court)

    13. HaveFunWithChainsaw on

      Not 100% sure, but shouldn’t XOF be here too? Weren’t they group of agents assisting CIA’s FOX unit in MGS universe, cleaning their mess behind them until they took different path and went rogue.

    14. Health_Cat_2047 on

      The UAC isnt necessarily evil. Pierce sought after argent energy as a sustainable source of energy, it’s just that the demons used it as a means to invade Mars. They weren’t morally corrupt, they transgressed into unknown territory and paid the price.

      And of course my boy doomguy rounds the demons up and tears them to shreds anyway

    15. Beowulfs_descendant on

      I wouldn’t call Aperture evil or corrupt, perhaps a bit morally grey with how they stuffed a woman into a machine, and they built a ton of turrets shooting whole bullets ( Thats 65% more bullet, per bullet! ) but the end goal is always positive. To simply expand the world of science and earn some money whilst doing it.

      Alterra, not only has a literal triangle for a logo, but is also so unbelievably greedy that they will charge you one trillion credits for taking the basic survival necessities on some obscure planet many light years away, that they at the time of the first game, did not appear to show much interest in.

      When talking the most evil company tho? Definetely vault tec, no doubt, they even had the gut to go on evil experiments after a worldwide nuclear fallout

    16. As a BattleTech fan, I’d like to thank whoever made this meme for including Comstar in there. As a Half-Life fan, I’d like to point out that the Combine is *not* corrupt, they’re like that by design. And as someone who is not at all a Fallout fan, Vault-Tec is definitely my favorite. They’re just *that* good.

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