Two of my dad’s army buddies from the mid 1950’s

    by BouncingBabyButton


    1. ElReydelTacos on

      Are you sure this isn’t a synthpop duo from someplace like Leeds in 1982?

    2. Leftleaningdadbod on

      They look British, even though I can’t see their teeth or the rickets. Uniforms, maybe.🤔

    3. marklonesome on

      Unfortunately, he never found a wife,

      His elaborate scarf collection sold for $1.2M in 2011.

      He and his closest male friend, Chauncey, with whom he shared a bed, died within weeks of one another.

      They were known for their dinner parties

    4. Hmmm. They look very, how to shall we put it, “comfy,” in an almost avant garde way that isn’t overly common in the military.

    5. ItzNuckinFutz on

      Was this the Greek Army? Their motto is “Don’t leave your buddies behind”

    6. History will say they were ‘Buddies’, just ‘good friends’ who ‘did everything together’

    7. It’s heartwarming to see two army pals so unusually comfortable around each other

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