Man who believes man rode dinosaurs puzzled by science

    by OrangeCone2011


    1. yorkshire_simplelife on

      A practice that has been in wide acceptance for 50 years is brave and new? Color televisions, brave and new. The Rubik’s cube, brave and new. Watergate scandal is brave and new.

      This explains the republican view of women. The rights they fought for are still brave and new because they haven’t had their heads out of their own asses to look around in over 50 years.

      So many 50 year old practices they are marveling at.

    2. “grapple with” means dodge the fact that their actual goals are massively unpopular and act like a victim of a liberal plot until people move on.. and we will move on.

    3. Guys, if you don’t want kids, get your vasectomies as soon as you can. I have no doubt that after Rs manage to convince the supreme Court to ban birth control, they’re going to come for those next. And if that’s not a good enough reason, do it for your wives/partners. It helps put their minds at ease, especially if you tell your doctor to be thorough. There’s a bit of pain initially, but it goes away in a few days. Trust me, worth it!

    4. The first successful IVF was 46 years ago.

      That’s not a brave new world, that’s boring ass history.

    5. CaptainSnatchbox on

      Wasn’t one of his sons a product of IVF? Throw that shit in his face. 

    6. “Sure we’ve only been openly accepting this vile murder of children for about 50 years, but because it’s an election year and we have no platform…” /gestures broadly

    7. Here are a few other cutting edge inventions from the 1970s*:

      Mobile phones


      The Walkman

      Floppy disks

      Home VCRs


      How ever are going to grapple with these newfangled technological achievements in this brave new world?

      *Yes I know many of these had previous incarnations in the 50s and 60s, but they didn’t become commercially available until the 70s. So that’s when society began to earnestly engage in the intense, sweaty grappling sessions that Mike Johnson wants for us.

    8. Welp, that explains a lot.

      Dude’s still in culture shock from the technology of the 70’s. Probably thinks phone answering machines are satanic and likely to undermine moral fibre.

    9. not_productive1 on

      Half a century kind of feels like enough time to fucking figure it out, Mike.

      Christ, YOU’VE only been around since the early 70’s and we’re all supposed to think you have the first fucking clue what you’re doing, feels like science should get the same benefit of the doubt.

      I do find this debate kinda fun, for the record. Either the IVF they so DESPERATELY want to keep around (because it means more affluent white people can have babies) is murder, or abortion isn’t. And somehow in the fifty fuckin years that we’ve had both IVF and the effort to overturn Roe v. Wade, not one of these geniuses thought to prepare for that question. Great fuckin job, fellas. A+ work, you ding dongs.

    10. Wierd how someone who thinks the universe is only 6000 years old, thinks 50 is the blink of an eye.

    11. Mike Johnson was just six years old when IVF came on the scene. As far as he’s concerned, it’s been around forever. So not newfangled at all, even within the bounds of his tiny little world.

    12. fluffyflugel on

      Mike was also invented in the early 70s and also needs to be grappled with. Lol.

    13. “…it’s a brave new world…”, ironically referring to a book in which humans are created in artificial wombs.

    14. That white ribbon tells me he supports Ghost Awareness Month though so that’s a mark in his favor

    15. BringBackTheBeat716 on

      Nearly 50 years.

      Take away this fucker’s cell phone, laptop, anything else invented after July 1978. It’s all too brave new world for him.

    16. BriskHeartedParadox on

      I’ll defend anyone’s right to say stupid shit but I’ll never vote for it.

    17. Positive_Law2162 on

      And Christine Jorgensen was a trans woman in 1945. Get with the times, bubba!

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