He deserves all the credits of modern rock guitar. What a bright person.
GiaAngel on
King Edward!! 🎸
67hipo289 on
Looks like he just fell off a bridge
Eddie will always be king eddie
he was a piano virtuoso before he taught himself how to play guitar
brought up listening to classical and swing as a lot of europeans are
humble as hell
incredibly talented
two brothers that formed an amazing band that changed rock forever
always n forever
Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 7 times.
First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/j6m9vt) on 2020-10-07 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/joq707) on 2020-11-05 98.44% match
*I’m not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={“post_id”: “15jno4f”, “meme_template”: null}) ]*
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**Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 308,821,078 | **Search Time:** 0.18103s
“It’s a JEEP thing. You wouldn’t understand.”
(I don’t.)
That’s an awkward pose!
He deserves all the credits of modern rock guitar. What a bright person.
King Edward!! 🎸
Looks like he just fell off a bridge
Eddie will always be king eddie
he was a piano virtuoso before he taught himself how to play guitar
brought up listening to classical and swing as a lot of europeans are
humble as hell
incredibly talented
two brothers that formed an amazing band that changed rock forever
always n forever
i also had prowings in the 80s