Khrushchev and the infamous “shoe banging incident” (context in comments).

    by BlackbeardsPegleg

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    1. BlackbeardsPegleg on

      In 1960 the USSR proposed the *[Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples](*, which characterized imperialism and colonialism as a gross violation of human rights. This was clearly aimed at western colonialism in Asia and Africa, and made no mention of the Soviets unilaterally subjugating Eastern Europe.

      In response to the hypocrisy of the Soviet proposal, [Lorenzo Sumulong]( (the representative of the Philippines at the UN) concurred with the need to condemn western colonialism, but also sharply criticized Soviet Imperialism in Eastern Europe.

      > “It is our view that the declaration proposed by the Soviet Union should cover the inalienable right to independence not only of the peoples and territories which yet remain under the rule of Western colonial Powers, *but also of the peoples of Eastern Europe and elsewhere which have been deprived of the free exercise of their civil and political rights and which have been swallowed up, so to speak, by the Soviet Union*.”

      Seems reasonable, right? Well not to Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. Khrushchev, who was evidently triggered by such a [public call-out](, launched into an unhinged rant. He attacked Sumulong’s character, branding him “a jerk, a stooge and a lackey of imperialism.” Khrushchev then took off his shoe and waved it at Sumulong, and allegedly banged it repeatedly onto the desk in front of him.

      The chaotic scene finally ended when Assembly President Frederick Boland, crimson-faced with frustration, abruptly declared the meeting adjourned and slammed his gavel, named Thor’s gavel, down so hard he broke it, sending the head flying. On observing the shoe-banging, British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan is said to have quipped “Could we please have an official translation of this?”

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