I was born with naturally pointy ears.

    by shr1mp03


    1. Comfortable-Elk9898 on

      Nice! Looks cool. I was born with a big dent in my right ear because the doctors said that when I was in the womb, I pressed my pinky finger into my ear and it messed it up.

      Still looks interesting lol

    2. Original-Childhood on

      I think you should move to the North Pole and get to work. Haven’t had Christmas gifts in YEARS

    3. I have little ridges on my ear I got from my dad. In the same place. My dad said as a kid he was called Spock. Mine were covered by hair usually and when they weren’t I don’t think anyone noticed lol but this is cool!

    4. My sister has this too and every doctor asks if she had tubes in her ears as a baby/kid (she didn’t) lol

    5. Give up the halfling she elf!

      Was just watching Lord.of the Rings when I scrolled past this.

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