Mike Johnson posted the Christian Nationalist flag outside his office. We need to vote in 2024 like our lives depend on it.

    by FagRealness


    1. Polls-from-a-Cadet on

      Just doesn’t want to acknowledge the separation of church and state. Fucking annoying

    2. Fucking Republican trash need put in it’s place. They need treated like the lying shitbags they are.

    3. Secure-Force-9387 on

      Now the Louisiana State Flag is going to forever be tainted because it’s touching that bullshit other flag. Thanks, Mike, you sack of shit.

    4. Oh we will! I am already ready. He better enjoy his 15 minutes while he has them bc we are going to forget all about him just like the last guy, what’s his name

    5. I hope this is some Photoshop B.S. this week, I joined Freedom From Religion Foundation. I hope you’ll consider it too.

    6. This was Massachusetts’ naval ensign from 1775 to 1971. It’s a god damn cool flag and it flew for some two hundred years before being maligned by these pieces of shit. As a mariner from Massachusetts I won’t have it.

      They don’t get to have this one.

    7. Someone across the hall should make a flag with a a big cross planted in a pile of shit with the title “Appeal to Bullshit”

    8. Fragrant-Way-9720 on

      People in this thread need to relax. That was a flag flown during the revolution, dude is probably just using it to show “how he believes in the principles of the founding of the nation”. Not saying he does, or that’s his reason, but it’s a historical flag, not a Christian Nationalist one.

    9. He wants Christianity in government because it is the only way he believes he can stop himself from his desires.

    10. It’s a colonial flag adopted on July 26, 1776 by Massachusetts as the flag of the state navy.

      It’s been co-opted by the neo-fascist MAGA Republicans. It’s true meaning lies with the true Patriots of the American Revolution. I used to fly colonial flags as a sign of respect for the values they represented in pursuing their cause. I don’t anymore because I don’t want to be mistaken as a MAGA maggot. It’s a shame.

    11. If you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community, your life just may depend on it. If you have a family member or close friend who is part of that community, their lives just may depend on it. These fanatics will not stop until white, straight Christians are the only ones left.

    12. He only “stands with Israel” because he thinks it will bring about Jesus’ return to Earth, a bloody final battle at Armageddon that lays waste to the region and ends with Jesus ruling the world from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem but not before all the Jews who don’t convert to Christianity are murdered or sent to hell or some such fairy tale bullshit.

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