Biden jesting with the media.

    by macktruck6666


    1. Doesnt matter. You know how it goes. “Senile Biden unaware of fall” followed by “Trump with huge lead over all candidates” headlines.

      The thing I want to see is the way the media will spin things once Trump speaks to the general public. Right now he’s benefitted from avoiding primaries and they’ve helped bury all his all-caps lunatic posts and cherry picking his rally speeches. Biden may have slowed down a bit in 3 years but he’s still sharp, has focus and a plan. On the other hand, Trump has really had a severe mental decline and once people get a chance to actually see him speak for more than a few seconds it’s clear that he’s angry, incoherent and has no goal beyond burning the place down.

    2. I like Presidents who can laugh at themselves.

      I also like Presidents with souls.


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